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- S O L A R Q U E S T
- Designed by Tim Vlk
- Text by Dave Moorman
- [NOTE:] Solar Quest does not return
- to LOADSTAR. VICE users will have to
- press <CTRL-Alt-R> to hard-reset the
- emulator.
- I have to admit it: I am once
- again addicted to pinball. Every
- Saturday evening, I go to a nearby
- truck stop to drink gallons of coffee
- and write the Sermon for the next
- morning.
- And play pinball. Usually around
- 11 pm, I take a break from my
- homiletical mission and step up to one
- of the machines in the arcade. While
- the video games have an certain
- attraction, nothing compares to the
- feel and action of physical flippers
- slapping a real steel ball on a
- magnet-distorted journey toward the
- Bonus Ramp!
- About a dollar later (two games,
- if I am not lucky enough to match), I
- am ready to head back to my work.
- At home, I still like the
- challenge of pinball -- and Tim Vlk
- and the DeRochers have offered some
- good designs. And of them all, Solar
- Quest is, far and above, the most
- wyzard game I have ever seen.
- Not the hardest. That honor goes
- to Mad House, Tim's companion game
- which will be on 207. Solar Quest is
- sharp, jazzy, gnarly, kewl, and
- whatever word kids are using today to
- express thier approval without being
- particularly articulate.
- You may want to plug your joystick
- into Port 1 for this game. (Remember
- what could happen if you do not first
- turn off your computer before plugging
- in the joystick!) OR -- you can use
- the <CTRL> and <2> keys for the
- flippers.
- To pull back the plunger, press
- the <BACK ARROW>. Be careful -- I
- haven't figured out a way to "un-pull"
- it. Press <CTRL> to launch the ball.
- Between games, <F4> toggles
- between multi-color and high-res. On
- this game, you will probably want to
- stay with multi-color. <F5> lets you
- set how many players will play. And
- <F6> flips through color choices for
- the game.
- The rest is instinct, skill,
- genes, and/or luck. Then again, as the
- sign that once hung over the line of
- pinballs at the pool hall used to say:
- These machines for amusement only!